Microsoft is gearing up to release the Windows 8.1 update with substantial changes and improvements. One of these changes is the introduction of Outlook 2013 RT for tablets, which will be a new free application for ARM-based and x86 (under 10-inch) small devices.

I previously wrote about the announcement and today Paul Thurrott form WinSurperSite, got a hold of some interesting screenshots on Microsoft Outlook 2013 RT.

For those who were skeptical, the screenshots that Paul shared confirms that the new Outlook 2013 RT is indeed a desktop app and not a modern Metro-style app, as few have reported. The Windows RT version of Outlook works in the same way and has the same features you’ll find in Office 2013. Also the email client shares the same flat modern and minimalistic design. As for Add-ons, it is possible that will include this feature, but at this time there isn’t much information.

Thurrott also added “the installer I received actually contains a full ARM-based Office 2013 install, with other Windows RT-based Office applications, like Publisher, Access, InfoPath—and even SkyDrive Pro—that are not available today.”

I’ll make sure to post more details as they become available… In the meantime, how do you like the Outlook 2013 RT this far?