One of the reason that Evernote has become so popular is because it is available almost everywhere. Being a web-based app, it can sync your notes and allows you to access them wherever you are. It even comes with desktop client for Windows and Mac and mobile apps for iOS, Blackberry, Android and Windows Phone so you can easily create notes on your desktop or mobile phone. However, the only thing that is missing from the list is a desktop client for Linux.

For Linux users who want to access their Evernote’s notes on their desktop, you definitely have to check out Everpad – one of the best Evernote desktop client for Linux.


Open a terminal and type the following commands:


When you first run Everpad, instead of a window opening, you will find the Everpad indicator icon in the system tray. To get started, simply right click on the icon and select “Settings and Management”.

Click the “Authorize” button to authenticate with Evernote.

Once you have authorized Everpad to access your Evenote data, click the indicator icon and select “Please Perform First Sync”.

After the sync, you will be able to access all your notes in the Everpad window.

You can click the “Notebook” button to create a new notebook, or the “Note” button to create a new note.

This is the interface when you create a new note:

While creating a note, you can attach images, add tags, insert table, lists, links and many other features you would expect to find in Evernote.


If you are using the Ubuntu Unity desktop, you will be pleased to know that Everpad is integrated with the Dash as well. It comes with a Everpad Search Lens that allows you to search your notes right from the Dash.


If you are looking for a beautiful application with plenty of features, you will be disappointed with Everpad. However, for a simple lightweight note taking tool that can sync with Evernote, Everpad has done its jobs well. While there are many ways you can access Evernote, if you really need a desktop client for your Linux machine, Everpad is the one I would recommend.

What other ways do you access your Evernote on Linux?

Damien Oh started writing tech articles since 2007 and has over 10 years of experience in the tech industry. He is proficient in Windows, Linux, Mac, Android and iOS, and worked as a part time WordPress Developer. He is currently the owner and Editor-in-Chief of Make Tech Easier.

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