Long past the times where you just publish your blog content and people will come. Nowadays, to ensure that your readers can receive your latest update, not only do you need to have a RSS feed for your site, you also need to aggregate it to various social networks.

Dlvr.it is a web-based service that aggregates your RSS feed(s) to various social networks. Instead of using various services to update different social sites, you can now combine them all to one place.


To get started, simply go to the Dlvr.it home page, enter your RSS feed to the input field and click “Get Started”.

The first thing that it will do is to prompt you to create a dlvr.it account. Once you have completed that, the next step is to select the social network that you want to publish your feed to. The initial setup only show the three most popular networks – Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. You can add more networks when you get into the dashboard later.

When you are done setting up the social networks, click “Finish”.

Dlvr.it will then prompt you if you want to post the most recent item now or start posting from the next update.

Make your choice. That’s it.

That’s not the best part yet…

So you have setup your feed and the social networks to publish to, is that the end of the story? Not yet, the best part is yet to come.

When you get into the dashboard, this is where dlvr.it really shines.

There are just so many things that you can customize in the dashboard that they might overwhelm you.

There are four main options – Deliveries, Stats, Post and Settings


Everytime you setup a RSS feed and the places to publish to, you have created a route. Each route is make up of a source (your RSS feed) and the destination (places where your feed are published). You can add multiple feeds to the sources, multiple networks to the destination or even multiple routes, each with different sources and destinations.


In the Sources pane, you can get it to update your feeds, edit the feed options or to delete the feed. When editing the feed, you can change the feed detail, feed update interval, add a custom message to each feed item, setup filter, scheduling etc.


For the destination pane, you can add more social networks to it. Networks that are supported by Dlvr includes Twitter, Facebook, LInkedIn, Tumblr, Statusnet, Ping, Google Buzz, MySpace and FourSquare.


Under the Route setting, you can also setup filter, install google analytics code and even define your own short url service.


Keen to know how your feed is performing at the various networks? Dlvr.it got you covered. In the Stats option, you can monitor the performance (number of clicks) of your feed on various networks, from an overview right down to the individual social network breakdown.


The Post is where you can enter custom text and post it to your social networks. This is specially useful if you are making an announcement about your product (or whatever). You can choose to post your message to any of your routes or any individual accounts that you have set up. You can even schedule it to post at a particular time. It will be even better if it has a repeat option to post the same message at regular interval.


The settings is where you can change your account email/password and add your own url shortening service.


I have only played with dlvr.It for 5 minutes and it completely blew my mind away. It may look simple from the outside, but it is really the inside that make it shine. If you have not used it, check it out now. I am sure you won’t regret it.

Damien Oh started writing tech articles since 2007 and has over 10 years of experience in the tech industry. He is proficient in Windows, Linux, Mac, Android and iOS, and worked as a part time WordPress Developer. He is currently the owner and Editor-in-Chief of Make Tech Easier.

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