In the remake of Demon’s Souls, players came across a locked door that was not included in the original. Could this indicate a new download content is planned?

The PlayStation 5 launch titles include the remake of the dark role-playing classic Demon’s Souls developed by Bluepoint Games.

After the new edition has already garnered numerous dream ratings in the past few days, rumors are currently circulating that the makers of Bluepoint Games could be planning additional content that will be submitted after the release of Demon’s Souls.

According to reports, players came across a locked door in Demon’s Souls Level 1-3 “Tower Knight Archstone”. In the narrow corridors of the area, the door can be found behind a simulated wall. However, it cannot be opened. When the players tried to interact with the door, all they encountered was a hint that it was apparently locked.

There’s a mysterious new door in the Demon’s Souls Remake, and no one knows how to open it?

— Vaati (@VaatiVidya) November 14, 2020

With the help of photo mode and some clipping errors, the players found that the locked door apparently leads to a balcony on which an object on a dead soldier can be found. It is still unclear whether and when the door could be opened. However, it is speculated that the whole thing could indeed point to upcoming download content. Let’s wait and see.

The remake of Demon’s Souls will be released just in time for the launch of the PS5 on November 19, 2020, in Europe and the rest of the world.