The remake of Demon’s Souls is one of the PS5 launch games. Shortly before the release, Creative Director Gavin Moore devoted himself to show the Demon’s Souls character creation and photo mode on the PlayStation Blog.

According to Moore, the new character creation in Demon’s Souls offers up to 16 million permutations to customize your appearance. When compared with the PS3 version of Demon’s Soul, “many more customization options” were added. In addition, the team worked hard to ” ensure there is a satisfying variety possible for those who wish to tinker with every slider.”

With the help of the editor, you can bring your own face into the game, but you can also go into battle as a completely different person. “To create your character as you see fit is to build an emotional connection to the world of Demon’s Souls,” says Moore.

Demon’s Souls is a single-player action RPG. However, “seamlessly integrated synchronous and asynchronous multiplayer elements” are used. So you can present the character you created to other adventurers around the world.

“We hope having far more freedom to craft your avatar – combined with the vast improvement in detail and visual fidelity – will translate into memorable encounters, be they fleeting apparitions, cooperative allies, or competitive invaders. With the number of total synchronous online players in an instance increased to six, standing out will mean so much more,” said Moore.

Another component of the blog post is the photo mode. Here you can show and hide weapons and helmets or hide the character completely. Optionally, it is also possible to take a pose or change the facial expression, change various camera settings, zoom in and out or apply a grainy film effect.

The remake of Demon’s Souls will be released for the launch of the PS5.
