Dark Souls III is a role-playing game where players use a variety of weapons to deal with enemies. Weapons like bows, throwables, swords, etc. As a secondary weapon, you can use Sheilds to guard yourself against enemies attacks. Also, Sheilds in Dark Souls III carries a special perk of deflecting enemies’ attacks. Every weapon in the game comes with two types of attacks. The first is the standard one and the second is a charged attack. It is a similar version of a standard attack but with more damage.

That is why learning about the Dark Souls 3 best weapons is important. The game offers you 6 Tiers of Weapons. Every tier has a different set of weapons with common attributes like Scaling and Skills. Scaling is a Dark Souls 3 Parameter that indicates the level of bonus damage. This also will help you to understand how the Dark Souls 3 weapon tier system works.

The least effective weapons or Dark Souls 3 weakest weapons start from S Tier, and the power keeps on increasing up to the most powerful ones in F Tier.

  • S Tier
  • A Tier
  • B Tier
  • C Tier
  • D  Tier
  • F Tier

This article contains instructions on all the six weapons tiers of Dark Souls 3. With it, you can also check the scaling and any additional skill the weapon carries.

Dark Souls 3 S Tier Weapons List

Straight Sword

  • Lothric Knight Sword – Stance (Skill)
  • Long Sword – Stance (Skill)
  • Valorheart – Lion Stance (Skill)

Great Sword

  • Gael’s Great Sword – Blade of Peril (Skill)
  • Black Knight Sword – Perseverance (Skill)
  • Wolf Knight’s Great Sword – Wolf Sword (Skill)

Curved Sword

  • Pontiff Knight Curved Sword – Frost Blade (Skill)
  • Demon’s Scar – Spin Slash (Skill)


  • Frayed Blade – Hold (Skill)


  • Murky Hand Scythe – Quickstep (Skill)
  • Corvian Greatknife – Blind Spot (Skill)

Paired Short Swords

  • Gotthard Twinswords – Spin Slash (Skill)


  • Saint Bident – Charge (Skill)
  • Four-Pronged Plow – Charge (Skill)


  • Crucifix of the Mad King – Mad King’s Folly (Skill)
  • Splitleaf Great Sword – Wind Wheel (Skill)


  • Friede’s Great Scythe – Elfriede’s Stance (Skill)


  • Arbalest – Tackle (Skill)

Dark Souls 3 A Tier Weapons List

  • Anri’s Straight Sword – Stance (Skill)

  • Dark Sword – Stomp (Skill)

  • Ringed Knight Straight Sword – Ember (Skill)

  • Barbed Straight Sword – Stance (Skill)

  • Sunlight Straight Sword – Oath of Sunlight (Skill)

  • Follower Sabre – Prying Wedge (Skill)

  • Scimitar – Spin Slash (Skill)

  • Exile Great Sword – Spin Slash (Skill)

  • Harald Curved Great Sword – Sever (Skill)

  • Onyx Blade – Elfriede’s Blackflame (Skill)

  • Claymore – Stance (Skill)

  • Hollowslayer Great Sword – Stance (Skill)

  • Great Sword of Judgement – Stance of Judgement (Skill)

  • Lothric Knight Great Sword (Ultra Great Sword) – Stomp (Skill)

  • Astora Great Sword (Ultra Great Sword) – Charge (Skill)

  • Estoc (Thrusting Sword) – Shield Splitter (Skill)

  • Crystal Sage’s Rapier (Thrusting Sword) – Stance (Skill)

  • Washing Pole – Hold (Skill)

  • Uchigatana – Hold (Skill)

  • Aquamarine Dagger – Crystal Blade (Skill)

  • Rotten Ghru Dagger – Quickstep (Skill)


  • Millwood Battle Axe – War Cry (Skill)

  • Man Serpent Hatchet – War Cry (Skill)

  • Yhorm’s Great Machete (Great Axe) – War Cry (Skill)

  • Winged Knight Twinaxes (Paired Axe) – Chain Spin (Skill)

  • Sellsword Twinblades (Paired Axe) – Spin Slash (Skill)

  • Lothric Knight Long Spear – Charge (Skill)

  • Ringed Knight Spear – Ember (Skill)

  • Gundyr’s Halberd – Champion’s Charge (Skill)

  • Glaive – Spin Sweep (Skill)


  • Warpick – Galvanize (Skill)

  • Heysel Pick – Steady Chant (Skill)

  • Spiked Mace (Great Hammer) – Spin Bash (Skill)

  • Heavy Crossbow – Tackle (Skill)

  • Avelyn – Tackle (Skill)

  • Great Corvian Scythe – Neck Swipe (Skill)

Stay tuned for more updates on Dark Souls 3 Weapons Tier List. We are scanning through all weapons and will update the next tiers soon.