In FPS games like Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Crosshairs play an important role. Crosshairs aid players in aiming so having a personalized one will help out tremendously. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive has introduced Crosshair Codes and this guide will help you in understanding what they are.

CSGO Crosshair Codes

In the past, editing your Crosshair was not easy. You would have to type in command lines in the console to edit the crosshair in any shape or form. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive has made the process easier by introducing a separate Crosshair Settings Tab where you can edit and fine-tune your Crosshair to your liking. Also with this patch, you are able to import and share Crosshairs. This is where Crosshair Codes come into the picture. It is a  generated code that contains the information of a crosshair. In simple terms, Crosshair Codes allow players to share and use crosshairs without the use of Third-Party Softwares.

This is an amazing thing as sharing crosshairs has become very easy. Just apply the code and you get the crosshair. To use them all you have to do is go to your Settings and then find the Crosshair Settings. Here you can edit Crosshairs and also share/import them from the Share or Import button. Upon clicking that button it will open up a tab where you can apply them and/or Copy your own. This is an amazing feature that most games should have.

Few Codes you can try out

Here are some Crosshair Codes from EFIN 92’s. If you want a Visual Guide for this then check out EFIN 92’s video on it.

  • CSGO-aQvVV-f3B9n-Dp5PS-OQyBH-AYeuB
  • CSGO-wFrt2-wU3sF-HTB2N-r6qkk-kSVGQ
  • CSGO-oGtJe-xStuj-yQYmp-2xzLZ-wQkTL
  • CSGO-2Nawa-XWXab-L3Zac-CHo8T-6sWPA
  • CSGO-X6324-fjHQm-HLu26-PNiYd-4xpcG
  • CSGO-JaaMN-QODox-vueWF-sdtLn-PU9vO
  • CSGO-8NEPh-WToA4-6zXZ6-Yb6NF-BjJzN
  • CSGO-zkKOt-VCucS-9CUa7-YADnY-U9z6A
  • CSGO-e8dOy-JmLaK-mYxkQ-PLUCG-9zedJ
  • CSGO-jvnbx-S3xFK-iEJXD-Y27Nd-AO6FP
  • CSGO-LwcVt-uCAV8-8wjAW-aVmUn-5b2UO
  • CSGO-9K2SB-z3Hme-uTXQZ-vRns4-GHDhP
  • CSGO-vL73b-FmiMX-zmkUi-b952j-TvuWK
  • CSGO-WvSie-RRZiv-y4YaW-y6RJq-MyedJ

This was all about the Crosshair Codes in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Hopefully, this guide has helped you and your friends in sharing each other’s Crosshairs and also use them. You can also check out our other guides on Best Smokes on Dust 2 and ScreaM Settings in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO).