Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is probably the most anticipated game that is releasing this month and with the return of one of the most popular characters in Captain Price, the launch gameplay trailer gives a short glimpse into the campaign.

It is already certain that this version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will be more brutal and will bring the action closer to home than ever before, as stakes are high and chemical warfare looms above it is up to the players to stop this from happening.

Activision has been releasing small glimpses of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare but hasn’t yet revealed much of the storyline except the basic plot. The open beta which was released a while ago seems to have impressed a lot of people.

Other than a few bugs which are expected in a beta, the game looked absolutely fantastic. The graphics were on par with the best of the games out there and the new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare still had the same feeling that made us fall in love with the series.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare seems more than just a reboot of the series, it feels like the developers have much more to deliver and this might just blow the minds of everyone at release.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is developed by Activision and is scheduled to release on 25th October 2019.