Call of Duty Modern Warfare Multiplayer not working issue has been causing a lot of issue to players, among the many things shoot the ship mode seems to be down as well. This has caused a huge outcry on social media and people wish to know the answers, if you want to know how to fix the multiplayer in COD Modern Warfare, check this out.

How To Fix Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Multiplayer Not Working Issue

As of right now, there’s nothing that you can do to fix the Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Multiplayer Not Working Issue, plenty of game modes have been affected and there does not seem to be a fix that can immediately solve the issue.

While you can only wait for Activision or Raven to fix the issue and bring a new update, this may or may not take some time. The only option that you have is to make sure that your internet connectivity & game files are proper.

Also Read: How To Fix Dev Error 6068 In Call Of Duty Modern Warfare

To ensure the integrity of game files, we recommend that you run a scan of game files from and then look for the option to scan your game files. If there’s an issue with any one of your game files, the newer ones will be downloaded and replaced with the older ones.

Other than this you’re at the mercy of the game developers to hopefully come up with a solution as soon as possible so that you can fix the multiplayer issue as well as the shoot the ship game mode in COD MW.

This is all there is to know about how to fix the Call of Duty Modern Warfare Multiplayer not working issue and shoot the ship game mode.

While you’re here make sure to check out How To Fix Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Dev Error 6034 right here on Gamer Tweak.