Perks are special abilities offering additional Bonus to a player in Call of Duty Modern Warfare. Perks will offer you strength in the game providing bonuses like better movement speed, fast health regeneration, unlock two primary weapons, reduce recharge, faster weapon swap and more. Perks are highly important in the COD Modern Warfare and in this guide, you can checklist of all Perks, along with tips on how to unlock them.
When you reach an Officers rank there are chances you can equip a total of six perks in your load-outs. In the Enlisted Rank that is the beginners ran between 1 to 55 you will be allowed to equip three perks at a time. You can swap these anytime you want. Also, check out the list of Call of Duty Modern Warfare best perks.
How to unlock Perks in Call of Duty Modern Warfare?
Perks in COD Modern Warfare are unlocked as you Level up. And you level up by earning XP in the game. Depending on your kill and death ratio you will unlock a new level along with new rewards. For example, to unlock a perk that allows you to grab ammo from dead soldiers requires Level 12.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare All Perks:
There are three tiers, tier 1 Overkill, tier 2 Ghost & tier 3 Amped. Each tier has six perks that can be unlocked as you progress in the game. Below is the list of all Modern Warfare Perks based on different tiers.
Perk 1 –
- Quick Fix – Killing players, capturing objectives and holding objectives will increase your health regeneration rate. Already Unlocked.
- Double Time – Double the duration of Tactical Sprint. Increase crouch movement speed by 30%. Unlocks at Level 1.
- Overkill – Carry two primary weapons. Unlocks at Level 1.
- Scavenger – Resupply ammo from dead players. Unlocks at Level 12.
- E.O.D – Take reduced damage from non-killstreak explosives and fire. Hack enemy Claymores, Proximity Mines and Trophy system. Unlocks at Level 15.
- Cold-Blooded – Undetectable by AI targeting system and thermal optics. It does not trigger a high alert warning. Unlocks at Level 25.
Perk 2 –
- Restock – Recharge equipment over 30 seconds. Unlocks at Level 1.
- Hardline – Your Killstreaks cost 1 less kill. Unlocks at Level 1.
- High Alert – Your vision pulses when enemies outside of your view see you. Unlocks at Level 10.
- Ghost – Undetectable by UAV’s Rader Drones, and Heartbeat Sensors. Immune to Snapshot grenades. Unlocks at Level 13.
- Kill Chain – Killstreak kill counts towards your next killstreaks. Only applies to killstreaks earned this life. Unlocks at Level 26.
- Pointman – Turn your killstreak into scorestreaks. Already Unlocked.
Perk 3 –
- Tune Up – Reduces the charge time of field upgrade by 35%. Unlocks at Level 1.
- Amped – Faster weapon swap and rocket launcher reload speed. Unlocks at Level 1.
- Shrapnel – Spawn with an extra piece of lethal equipment. Explosive damage delays enemy health regeneration. Unlocks at Level 8.
- Battle Hardened – Reduce the strength of enemy flash, stun and EMP Effects. Unlocks at Level 18.
- Spotter – See enemy equipment, field upgrades, and killstreaks through walls. Mark them for your team by aiming down sights. Unlocks at Level 29.
- Tracker – Enemies leave behind a footprint trail. See markers at enemy death locations and hide the death markers of enemies you kill. Already Unlocked.
Above all, there are a few perks that will always help you in tough situations.
Which are the best perks in Call of Duty Modern Warfare?
Double Time – Double the duration of Tactical Sprint. Increase crouch movement speed by 30%.
Overkill – Carry two primary weapons.
Scavenger – Resupply ammo from dead players.
Hardline – Your Killstreaks cost 1 less kill.
Ghost – Undetectable by UAV’s Rader Drones, and Heartbeat Sensors. Immune to Snapshot grenades.
Pointman – Turn your killstreak into scorestreaks.
Tune Up – Reduces the charge time of field upgrade by 35%.
Battle Hardened – Reduce strength of enemy flash, stun and EMP Effects.
Spotter – See enemy equipment, field upgrades, and killstreaks through walls. Mark them for your team by aiming down sights.
Tracker – Enemies leave behind a footprint trail. See markers at enemy death locations and hide the death markers of enemies you kill.
You can pick the right perk and get an edge over opponents, it is best when you are able to unlock six perk slots where more perks will make you stronger.